Hello folks, I am going to tell some things about Ikariam... I have written a review about it (In greek) a couple of months ago... If you don't know the game, you can view its login site here. I am not going to post a review about it -for now at least- but express my dissapointment about the fact that it is getting more and more inactive players (<< Players that either have quited playing or play very rarely).
At least, in the world -server- I do play are very few active people and alliances (clans, guilds). The main cause for that, Is -in my oppinion- that the game itself is geting boring. Ikariam used to be a war - strategy game. You could attack, make fights, free of restrictions like the wall pillage or being unable to pillage gold.. Now It is only a game of development and research. You must log in at least 4 times a week only to send wine to your cities, so your citizents don't starve and leave, which is rather boring and takes time.
All the new versions -from version 3.0.0v and after- had no great possitive changes, and caused the leaving of many players, strong or not. And this continues until today. Now let me show you what I mean with some photos:
Here is the world map. As you can see by the island numbers (numbers under the islands) are too low (the maximum capacity of cities in one island is 16)
And Here is my Island... 9 citites. 2 of them are mine. 2 are inactive, and the other 2 banned. so, only 3 players are active. 3 of 9, like we say 1 of the 3 people playing are active, and 2/3 inactive or banned.
Nowadays different different games have been introduced so games like Ikariam is loosing its popularity. I would like to recommend a game Pirate king international, its a good game, many people are playing it nowadays.